Yesterday, while the world froze and broke and electricity exploded, my News To You artcards sat waiting for the post.
I have about 11 left, out of 85. They should begin to arrive today. If you don’t receive one, please respond with your US postal address. IF you have one, love it, please consider sharing my subscription:
The way back to center, after a year of so much, is to do what I know, over, and again. Till it is something else. These cards are just that.
To truly enjoy this, and as none of you know what the other holds, the artcards could be posted to Instagram. If they are tagged with @augusta_sparks and #NewsToYou -the images will collect in one place.
Potentially there might be a moment, when you could see a horizon of shapes and constructs.
Take care. Be well. And, thank you for looking.